Sekta mama

I have been quiet for a while. Busy with the baby you think. No! I joined SEKTA.
If you aren’t a mama or dada your understanding of parenthood’s level of difficulty is probably tight to one word – difficult. But people that have children would probably agree that “difficult” can be so different and every stage of your child’s development & growth can be hell of a challenge. I remember when i was talking to new mummies years ago i often heard “why are you worrying? At the beginning babies mostly sleep, eat and do number 1s & 2s”. People it is a lie! 😀 Well babies do that of course, but it’s not black and white. Just to give you an idea of my experience: Generally the average recovery regardless of how did your child birth go is 6-8 weeks. During this time or at least first 2 weeks of postpartum woman needs to rest and sleep well. HA-HA! Probably it is possible if you have your family around or house full of experienced babysitters. And then there are such things like cluster feeding (basically baby is on your breasts feeding all the time), growth spurts, teething, sleep regression and so on and so forth. And don’t under estimate any of that. You think teething starts at around 6 months. Surprise surprise, some babies are born with teeth. Romeo started teething when he was 2 months and we are still waiting for his first tooth to emerge.

Becoming a new parent or being a new parent during pandemic is another thing. Even if you have the calmest baby in the world. So if you hear someone with 10 kids born years before pandemic says they have been there and managed well. Fuck NO! You have no clue what it is. Firstly nobody should ever compare babies & people in general. We are all different! Secondly having multiple kids doesn’t make you an expert in any way. With your own kids yes, maybe. But no way your knowledge & experience should definitely be relevant and applicable to other children. And thirdly having a baby during pandemic is something that only us can truly understand, people that became parents in these tough times full of uncertainty.
I would like to kindly encourage you all to be gentle & show your solidarity to people who became parents in pandemic. Having a baby is the most (or one of the most) incredible thing in life for the majority of people I’d think and therefore it’s often called magic. And pandemic made bringing a new life into this world full of uncertainty, isolation and rules that nobody can clearly understand, a next level shit.
We missed out a lot and all we need is love, hugs & support even if it is virtual. Please call, message, write, send cards to your friends or family with newborns and support them! In current situation your support & to have someone to talk to is all we have and all we need really.
From my personal experience i can say that it is bloody tough. Our baby is 5 months old. He has seen more people wearing masks than without them. He has not met his grandparents yet, just seen some objects making noises through some rectangular thing that mummy and daddy hold in front of his face all the time.
I can go on.. but this post is not about that, it’s about SEKTA:)

Just before the New Year I was close to a postnatal depression. I was really stressed and worried about my physical condition – looking still like pregnant and was literally falling apart mentally. Both I and my husband were exhausted and irritated, which of course started affecting our relationship and we didn’t know what to do. I started reaching out asking for mental help. I had few calls with my health visitor’s team, I joined Mothers for Mothers and asked for help from them. And I finally joined SEKTA. Well SEKTA mama to be concise.
SEKTA (Sect) or a school of the ideal body is an offline and online school specialising in nutrition and sports. They teach how to enjoy healthy life style in a very diverse and inclusive way. SEKTA has changed a lot and became really big since I first started following their school and their CEO Olga Markes (a mother of 3 boys, a singer in a band and a business lady) back in 2016. From what I see Olga takes her stuff seriously and always looks for improvements which is great. For example SEKTA has a department that includes biologists, physicians, microbiologists and healthy nutrition specialists. Wow! That is impressive. And of course they have a SEKTA mama course which I joined. The reason I decided to join the course was my desperate willingness to get back to sports and to fix my 6 pack (diastasis recti), which NHS originally failed to diagnose me with and then put me on a queue for a Physio therapy, which I don’t think I will ever have. I came across SEKTA Instagram account where they had a post about upcoming course for mamas on the 4th of January 2021. After scrolling through their account I noticed that they pay a huge attention to diastasis recti – the problem I have postnatally. Boom! I sent them an e-mail describing my condition and asking to confirm on whether their course would be suitable for me and got my “Yes” back. I finally saw a light at the end of the tunnel.
So, it’s my fifth week in SEKTA mama group and my life has changed significantly. My husband can approve this message. I feel like I am now taking control of my body, my mind and my baby in a way. SEKTA mama is not about losing kilos, it is a course helping to get your life back. When you become a parent your life obviously changes and what we learn at SEKTA mama is how to accept the change, how to appreciate the efforts you do and struggles you face every day. We learn how to treat our body and soul by eating healthy and regularly, by doing workouts at the time and level of intensity that suits you. Our current group consists of mamas from different countries with children of a different age, but we are all on the same boat. We all need help, support, solidarity and love.
At the end of my course (10 weeks total) I will write another article with a little bit more information about SEKTA mama course and will share some examples of my meals and workouts. On top I am planning to show you my “before” and “after” photos. So I better go and sweat.